Durbin labs be announced as a special mention for mBillionth Award at India. The award is given to the companies who have made a significant footprint in the emerging market of the South Asia through developing Mobile Apps. Durbin Labs was mentioned for it’s effort to use mobile application to reduce socio economic barrier in education between students from rural and urban areas.
The BRAC Manthan Award was given to companies working in the information and communication industry in recognition of their socio-economic impact on the society. The objective of this award is to encourage young and upcoming companies to keep on creating a positive impact on the society.
Digital Winners is the Nordic region’s premier gathering of leaders and innovators in media, technology and communications.Over the course of two days bringing the latest thought leadership and showcase top entrepreneurs and startups with annual Digital Winners Awards.The Conference is arranged and promoted by Mediebedriftenes Landsforening, Telenor Digital and New Media Network. Durbin Labs were announced 1st runner up in the conference of 2015 at Oslo, Norway.
The competition is part of Telenor Group and Grameen Phone’s ambition to provide “Internet for All.” Under this initiative Grameen Phone aims to provide quality internet connection and make education, health, entertainment and financial services available to general people through the internet. With the aim to make learning fun and deliver it at lower cost Durbin App providesstudents from class five to graduation level with a solution for different barriers of learning. It also make student interested to studies by making concepts easy and interesting.Grameen Phone Limited announced the Durbin App by Durbin Labs as the winner of Telenor’s ‘Digital Winner’ Bangladesh apps competition.
National Mobile Application Award 2014 was organized by the ICT Division of Ministry of Post & Telecommunication in Bangladesh in collaboration with World Summit Award. NMA Award’14 was an initiative to select and promote the Bangladeshi best in mobile content and innovative applications. The nomination of National Mobile App Award signifies the best in the country in one of 8 categories. Durbin App was named winner under the Learning & Educationcategory for serving the needs of learners to acquire knowledge and skills via mobile phone; transforming education through mobile learning resources; creating active m-Learning communities and solutions and as well as life-long learning.
“Very Much Impressed by the talented team of Durbin labs limited. Their approach to problem-solving through innovation is unparalleled. I like to give my thanks for their outstanding commitment to our project. The team took the time to understand the vision and the requirements of the project.”