
our effort to make the world more effortless for the underprivileged, one step at a time.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Durbin Foundation

Durbin Labs works to give back to the society through the sister concern Durbin Foundation. Durbin Foundation is a youth development organization that reaches out to the helpless people in the remote areas of Bangladesh. Durbin Foundation mainly focuses on students or teenagers who pass a very delicate stage of their lives waiting to get molded into adults. We helps these young minds find their life aims, their hidden abilities and motivate them to better path of life and a better career plan through thorough guidance. Durbin Foundation also works to develop and inspire young entrepreneurs through training. The medicalcampaigns of Durbin Foundations reach out to the rural people of Bangladesh and trains them on first aids and health education. We have also started a program on SRHR to develop better knowledge on this matter to reduce child abuse, child marriage and sexual harassments in the society.


The main issue with today’s education system is it fails to create interest about education in a young mind and pressures it to do achieve good results. We have also found that many students make mistakes in life by taking wrong subjects in their senior year and therefore failing to try for their dream jobs. This hampers their motivation. We have developed Durbin App an education and guidance app for the students to help them fix their goals and attain them through fun and exciting gamification of education.

Mbillionth Awards
Mbillionth Awards


The ICT industry is the fastest growing industry in today’s market and it will continue to do so as the world is getting more and more dependent on technology to make life comfortable.Working in ICT industry can become a new hope of a better and enriched life for many people. Durbin Foundationhelps students learn about the benefits of taking ICT as a career and arranges workshops and training for interested candidates.


Durbin Foundation hopes to bring a positive effect on the economic development of Bangladesh through encouraging young entrepreneurs to take initiatives and create more jobs. Our workshops and training sessions with other young entrepreneurs help the attendees to learn more about how they can also be successful through proper strategy making and perseverance.

Mbillionth Awards
Mbillionth Awards


Durbin Foundation is working to develop the social health through its programs by reaching out to the rural people of Bangladesh. We believe educating the young generation is the key to attaining a sustainable and developed physically and mentally healthy community. Therefore we work with Medical students from well renowned medical institutes around Bangladesh to educate rural people about First Aids, Disease Prevention and Physical and Mental Health.

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“Very Much Impressed by the talented team of Durbin labs limited. Their approach to problem-solving through innovation is unparalleled. I like to give my thanks for their outstanding commitment to our project. The team took the time to understand the vision and the requirements of the project.”

Mr. Joseph S. United Kingdom
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